" REDFOOT TORTOISE" The Red-Foot tortoise can be found throughout central and northern South America including the countries of Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, French Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. They are also found in the exotic Jungles of the Caribbean on Trinidad, Barbados, Saint Lucia etc. and have been introduced to many other islands in the West Indies. The red-foot occupies a number of habitats within this extensive range. Forest edges and savannahs seem to be the preferred habitat for this species. Red-foot tortoises are omnivores, though eat more plant-derived food than meat by far. In captivity, red-foots should be fed a mixture of high calcium greens, fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They are quite intelligent, they have good memory and learn rapidly of who you are and when food is available as well as where shelter and basking is to be found, with most of the time returning to the same resting spot. They have an incredible sense of smell and will come from all directions when a favorite food is present. Redfoots’ are also known as being one of the most colorful tortoises in the world. Many variations appear with head and leg scale coloring including Reds, orange , pinks , yellows. The Red-Foot tortoise generally lives 40–50 years.
Hypo Momma Redfoot , Greats a very colorful Columbian Redfoot
Morphs and Hypo's are included within our herd and we are proud to be one of the few in the world to hatch out some of the most unique Hypo coloring to date. "THE WEST COAST GHOSTS"